



Learn FIFA Tips and Tricks!


Dear player, try to master at least two dribble skills. Practice them in the arena until you can do them in all directions. Note that you have to use R / RS in the direction your player is looking for him to make the skill.

After you have mastered two, you should do them not too often throughout the game. Do one and pass. Do the other one and pass. When you get close to the goal, shoot. Try to shoot whenever the way is free. This will give your team an emotional boost and make them play better. Do not try too hard and shoot when you think it will be a goal 100%. Try to shoot whenever you can.


In FIFA 15 the finesse shot is back and better to attempt than the normal shot without pressing any other button than B / CIRCLE.
Do not hold the shoot button too fifa ut coins long as well because he will shoot the ball to the stars.


Some tactics you can use is. Fine tune cheap fut coins your direction with the L / LS joystick. Minimal direction turning will drastically better your performance in dribbling and passing an attacker. You should have a good balance between passing and keeping the ball.

A nice trick I like to use is hogging the ball as long as you can so your opponent gets agitated. In FIFA 15 it is really easy for noobs to shoot goals in the last minute and even make you lose the game when you have done all the work.

So keep playing safe and keep Click Here passing the ball.

Another thing you need to take care of with runners is that you need to use B / CIRCLE to pull or push the opponents. Most of the time referees do not see that and you can get away with it.


The FIFA 13 Career Mode Is Better

Way back in September 2012, the release of EA Sports FIFA 13 sparked excitement throughout the football world. Every year the game sells a ton of copies world wide and the latest in the franchise didn't disappoint either. One feature that is closely looked at is the career mode and what had been added to it for this years installment.

The famous career mode has been a huge talking point with fans of the series over the past few years. So there was a lot to be expected on this mode for the new FIFA 13 game.

The game developers (EA) used this feedback wisely and put in a brand new feature called the match day feature. This quality buy fifa coins addition would actually be revolutionary to fut coins not only FIFA games, but football games in general.

The basics of the match day feature are that it will take data from real life performances of players, and then implement that information into the game. So if Wayne Rooney was playing really well for Manchester United, then his display would be good in the FIFA 13 game.

Another fantastic feature that was put into the FIFA 13 career mode was the graphics being improved dramatically. Now the realism put into the game is second to none with breathtaking detail. The players Click to Buy faces were also improved with EA actually using special software to catch the players faces with the finest details.

Now more players on the game actually looked like they do in real life with the closest to realism as possible. The Tottenham Hotspurs football club became the official partners of FIFA 13. So they had their entire teams photos taken so that all the players looked as real as they could.

The first touch control feature was a new addition to the career mode which had amazing results. Many fans did moan about the new feature which was hard to get used to at first. After a bit of practice and a few games later, gamers on the social site Twitter were saying how the first touch was a good move after all.

More club football stadiums were added to the game, including Newcastle United's St James Park stadium. Many UK gamers wanted this arena added to FIFA 13 and their wish was granted when it was finally added to the finished game. Overall the career mode is very well set up and has had an amazing revamp for FIFA 13 this year.

Endometrial Hyperplasia - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

What is endometrial hyperplasia?

Endometrial Hyperplasia is a condition that occurs due to the excessive growth of the lining and cells of the endometrium, i.e. the inner lining of the uterus. Two forms of endometrial hyperplasia exist: typical and atypical. In the typical form, the cells of the uterus have not undergone any changes as a result of the endometrial condition. In the atypical form of hyperplasia, the cells have undergone changes that might develop into uterine cancer if left untreated.

This lining, called the endometrium, thickens every month in preparation for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the lining is shed. This shedding process is called a menstrual period or menstruation. Most women have a normal menstrual period approximately every 28 days. This entire process is controlled by two hormones: estrogen and progesterone. If the hormones are out of balance or not available, then excessive growth of the cells lining the uterus may occur, which results in endometrial hyperplasia.

Endometrial hyperplasia may be generally visible as a single and prevailing mass in the endometrial cavity. It may also diffuse the endometrium. It is a pathologig diagnosis.

What are endometrial hyperplasia causes?

The primary cause of this disease is the lack of balance between the two female hormones, i.e. oestrogen and progesterone. There may be cases when there is too much of oestrogen secretion, without corresponding exposure to progesterone. This is an abnormal condition, known as unopposed oestrogen. Too much oestrogen, and lack of progesterone leads to a situation of overgrowth of cells in the endometrium. This results in excessive thickening of the endometrium.

Apart from this reason, this disease can also be caused due to a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes, ovary syndrome and obesity. Tamofixen can also cause Endometrial Hyperplasia as it has a negative effect on the womb to oestrogen, since it is a breast cancer drug.

What are endometrial hyperplasia symptoms?

You may experience endometrial hyperplasia symptoms daily or just once in a while. At times, any of these symptoms can be severe:
- Acne
- Bleeding or spotting between menstrual periods
- Dryness of the vagina
- Excessive growth of body hair
- Heavy bleeding during your menstrual period (menorrhagia)
- Hot flashes or hot flushes
- Missed menstrual periods
- Mood swings
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Rapid heart rate (tachycardia)
- Severe fatigue
- Tenderness of the vagina

How is endometrial hyperplasia diagnosed?

This condition can be diagnosed through a number of methods, it may be done by taking a endometrial hyperplasia biopsy or ultrasound. It can also be done through curettage of the uterine cavity so as to obtain endometrial tissue for the histopathologic analysis. This diagnosis can be done by a pathologist who examines a sample of the endometrial tissue that is removed from the endometrial lining by dilation or biopsy. If the hyperplasia is without atypical cells, then it can even be detected by microscopically by an exam.

Transvaginal ultrasound can be performed to find out the level of thickness of the endometrial lining in the women. This type of ultrasound evaluates the endometrial thickness, which finds out whether the patient has endometrial cancer or not.

Endometrial hyperplasia can be easily detected through biopsy. This can be performed in a doctor’s office. The doctor performs a biopsy by inserting a narrow tube into the uterus to extract a sample of the cells. These cells are sent to the laboratory for examination.

How is endometial hyperplasia treated?

Endometrial Hyperplasia can be treated by Hormonal therapy that may include continuous progestin therapy or even hysterectomy. It can be also treated with TCM medicines. It may be treated through the consumption of medicines such as Povera which may be taken directly or through injections. It may be cured by a D&C – dilation and curettage test. They can also be treated in young women through intrauterine devices or birth control pills.

The treatment for endometrial hyperplasia depends on the stage of life in which this condition appears. It also depends on how severe this condition is.  Those who experience this problem at the time of menopause or perimenopause can be given a complete course of hormone replacement therapy.  If nothing else works out, the patient can resort to Hysterectomy. It is a surgical method of removing this condition.

source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Health_Conditions/31.html

What are the main symptoms of gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is an infectious disease caused by neisseria ghonorrhoeae. It is transmitted most often through sexual contact with an infected person. However, it may also be spread by contact with infected bodily fluids. Gonorrhea is such a common disease that both men and women should pay great attention to its symptoms and signs. And in this article, I will mainly list some common symptoms of this disease.
Not all people infected with gonorrhea have symptoms, so knowing when to seek treatment can be tricky. When symptoms do occur, they are often within two to 10 days after exposure, but they can take up to 30 days to develop. The common symptoms of gonorrhea include the following:
Gonorrhea symptoms in women
Greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the vagina
Lower abdominal or pelvic pain
Burning when urinating
Conjunctivitis (red, itchy eyes)
Bleeding between periods
Spotting after intercourse
Swelling of the vulva (vulvitis)
Burning in the throat (due to oral sex)
Swollen glands in the throat (due to oral sex)
Itching in anus
Gonorrhea symptoms in men
Greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the penis
Difficulty in urinating
Burning in the throat (due to oral sex)
Painful or swollen testicles
Swollen glands in the throat (due to oral sex)
Complications of untreated gonorrhea
When the disease is not treated properly, it can evolve to serious and permanent problems in both women and men.
In women, if left untreated, the infection can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy and so on. In men, gonorrhea can cause epididymitis, affect the prostate and lead to scarring inside the urethra. In addition, gonorrhea can spread to the blood or joints. This condition can be life-threatening. Also, people with gonorrhea can more easily contract HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. 
Therefore, once suffering gonorrhea, both men and women are suggested to take timely and proper treatment. What patients should keep in mind is that all sexual contacts of the person with gonorrhea should be contacted and tested. This helps prevent further spread of the disease. In some places you may be able to take counseling information and medicines to your sexual partner yourself. In other places, the health department will contact your partner.

The most effective way for Wuhan TCM to treat adenomyosis

What is the most effective way for Wuhan TCM to treat adenomyosis? It is a topic concerned by a lot of adenomyosis patients, especially the one that hope to treat it without side effects. As we all know, Chinese medicine treatment has won the trust of patients with the factors of safety and no side effects since ancient times. So here, we will take a look at whether Wuhan TCM is the most effective way to adenomyosis. 

The main symptoms of adenomyosis are the menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea and so on. Also, there are some patients with no obvious symptoms. In the past treatment, Western therapy is usually the first choice. They used either hormonal drugs or surgery to treat it. For example, mifepristone, a kind of emergency contraception drug, on commonly was used to make a treatment. While the surgeries including the laparoscopy surgery and laparotomy surgery. Although it can cure the disease, but a great harm will be created. Besides, it is difficult to achieve the purpose of cure the disease from the root, and the recurrence rate is relatively high.
In TCM, there haven’t a disease called adenomyosis because the Chinese define a disease according to the symptoms. In this case, adenomyosis can be classified into the categories of "dysmenorrhea", "menorrhagia" and "menstruation". In TCM point of view, it is mainly caused by the blood stasis stagnation with poor blood circulation. As a result, the adenomyosis treatment should mainly choose the medicine with the effect of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis. Wuhan TCM Fuyan pill is such a kind of medicine. 
Fuyan pill is a complete formula created by Dr. Li Xiaoping. It works with the effect of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, heat-clearing and detoxifying and nourishing spleen and eliminating dampness and so on. With these effects, it can eliminate the symptoms of dysmenorrhea as well as regulating menstruation. In addition, some patients may also find their Chlamydia or mycoplasma positive when take some checks, and it turn out to be the bacterial infection. Fuyan pills, also hold the detoxifying effect, plays a good role in killing bacteria and viruses. It can treat the disease from the root.
Perhaps there are some other ways to treat adenomyosis, but Wuhan TCM fuyan pill has been proved to be the most effective way. Commonly, if the patients take fuyan pill according to the doctor’s advice, then the disease available can be cured in three courses. Also, Fuyan has also been recognized by national patent, it is the national patent medicine and the best way to treat adenomyosis in the eyes of patients.


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