



What are the main symptoms of gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is an infectious disease caused by neisseria ghonorrhoeae. It is transmitted most often through sexual contact with an infected person. However, it may also be spread by contact with infected bodily fluids. Gonorrhea is such a common disease that both men and women should pay great attention to its symptoms and signs. And in this article, I will mainly list some common symptoms of this disease.
Not all people infected with gonorrhea have symptoms, so knowing when to seek treatment can be tricky. When symptoms do occur, they are often within two to 10 days after exposure, but they can take up to 30 days to develop. The common symptoms of gonorrhea include the following:
Gonorrhea symptoms in women
Greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the vagina
Lower abdominal or pelvic pain
Burning when urinating
Conjunctivitis (red, itchy eyes)
Bleeding between periods
Spotting after intercourse
Swelling of the vulva (vulvitis)
Burning in the throat (due to oral sex)
Swollen glands in the throat (due to oral sex)
Itching in anus
Gonorrhea symptoms in men
Greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the penis
Difficulty in urinating
Burning in the throat (due to oral sex)
Painful or swollen testicles
Swollen glands in the throat (due to oral sex)
Complications of untreated gonorrhea
When the disease is not treated properly, it can evolve to serious and permanent problems in both women and men.
In women, if left untreated, the infection can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy and so on. In men, gonorrhea can cause epididymitis, affect the prostate and lead to scarring inside the urethra. In addition, gonorrhea can spread to the blood or joints. This condition can be life-threatening. Also, people with gonorrhea can more easily contract HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. 
Therefore, once suffering gonorrhea, both men and women are suggested to take timely and proper treatment. What patients should keep in mind is that all sexual contacts of the person with gonorrhea should be contacted and tested. This helps prevent further spread of the disease. In some places you may be able to take counseling information and medicines to your sexual partner yourself. In other places, the health department will contact your partner.

The most effective way for Wuhan TCM to treat adenomyosis

What is the most effective way for Wuhan TCM to treat adenomyosis? It is a topic concerned by a lot of adenomyosis patients, especially the one that hope to treat it without side effects. As we all know, Chinese medicine treatment has won the trust of patients with the factors of safety and no side effects since ancient times. So here, we will take a look at whether Wuhan TCM is the most effective way to adenomyosis. 

The main symptoms of adenomyosis are the menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea and so on. Also, there are some patients with no obvious symptoms. In the past treatment, Western therapy is usually the first choice. They used either hormonal drugs or surgery to treat it. For example, mifepristone, a kind of emergency contraception drug, on commonly was used to make a treatment. While the surgeries including the laparoscopy surgery and laparotomy surgery. Although it can cure the disease, but a great harm will be created. Besides, it is difficult to achieve the purpose of cure the disease from the root, and the recurrence rate is relatively high.
In TCM, there haven’t a disease called adenomyosis because the Chinese define a disease according to the symptoms. In this case, adenomyosis can be classified into the categories of "dysmenorrhea", "menorrhagia" and "menstruation". In TCM point of view, it is mainly caused by the blood stasis stagnation with poor blood circulation. As a result, the adenomyosis treatment should mainly choose the medicine with the effect of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis. Wuhan TCM Fuyan pill is such a kind of medicine. 
Fuyan pill is a complete formula created by Dr. Li Xiaoping. It works with the effect of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, heat-clearing and detoxifying and nourishing spleen and eliminating dampness and so on. With these effects, it can eliminate the symptoms of dysmenorrhea as well as regulating menstruation. In addition, some patients may also find their Chlamydia or mycoplasma positive when take some checks, and it turn out to be the bacterial infection. Fuyan pills, also hold the detoxifying effect, plays a good role in killing bacteria and viruses. It can treat the disease from the root.
Perhaps there are some other ways to treat adenomyosis, but Wuhan TCM fuyan pill has been proved to be the most effective way. Commonly, if the patients take fuyan pill according to the doctor’s advice, then the disease available can be cured in three courses. Also, Fuyan has also been recognized by national patent, it is the national patent medicine and the best way to treat adenomyosis in the eyes of patients.

How Much Do You Know about Colpitis Mycotica?

Colpitis mycotica is a transmissible, repeated inflammation of vagina which is hard to cure once and for all. And it can induce infertility, affect the fetal development and induce other gynecological diseases. For the patients who are infected with fungus repeatedly or not be cured with long-time treating, they should do systematic check first and then treat colpitis mycotica according to the test result.

Majority of women have been infected with colpitis mycotica for at least once in their whole lives according to the clinic statistics. If the colpitis mycotica is hard to cure and repeating, the health of women would be threatened. Therefore, it is an important task for women to cure colpitis mycotica radically. Then how to treat colpitis mycotica once and for all? Do we not have a good method to subdue it?

Drug therapy is the most common way to treat colpitis mycotica. However, the different patients should use different medicine. And for the particularity of women’s genitals, the patients should not use medicine by themselves. They must go to hospital to treat in time, accepting normal and scientific treatment, avoiding misdiagnosis and aggravating illness.

However, using drug therapy to treat colpitis mycotica has some disadvantages, which would induce repeated happening. The most important reason is that, most patients are not cautious of using the drugs and can not insist on treating, and stop taking medicine once the symptoms change for the better, which would make the residual candida wantonly breeding and the illness repeated.

In addition, there is close relationship between colpitis mycotica and intercourse. So that the colpitis mycotica is one of the diseases transmitted by sex. Both the husband and wife should treat at the same time. Therefore, the patients of colpitis mycotica should forbid sex in the period of treating. Otherwise, it would make the man infected with balanitis and urethritis. We suggest the sex partner should be checked and treated at the same time.

Here we would recommend Fuyan Pill to treat the colpitis mycotica, which is made by Chinese herbal medicine and has no side-effect at all. Fuyan Pill is made up from multiple herbs including Bupleurum falcatum L., poria cocos, radices scutellariae, Gardenia, Atractylodes ovata, etc., among which some herbs are highly powerful in killing bacteria, virus, and all the pathogen to cause infections. These herbs have the affection of clearing away heat and toxic materials, and it can also promote the blood circulation and defenses of ourselves. Then the inflammation can be cured step by step. Maybe the effect are not so apparent in the early, but it would have a long-term effective. And once it's cured, it never recurs.

The most important thing is that: the patients should pay attention to their personal hygiene. You would have a good health only if you have a healthy living habits. In order to treat colpitis mycotica, you should try to give up all of your bad habits. Experts of Wuhan Dr.Lee’s TCM Clinic notice that, in order to treat colpitis mycotica, we should not take medicines without directions from specialists. We must go to hospital or clinic to get appropriate treatment in time.

source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Cervicitis/2013/0921/509.html

Male infertility can be caused by prostatitis and other genital diseases

Genital organs for men including genitals, accessory gland, epididymis and testicles can be infected by bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasma, virus and other inflammation, leading inflammation to those organs. Epididymitis, especially chronic epididymitis commonly occurs with chronic prostatitisand chronic seminal vesiculitis. During the inflammatory period, the tube of epididymis will become slim and even blocked. When two tubes are blocked, infertility happens.

Prostatitis, especially chronicprostatitis is a common disease for men. When this disease becomes severest, men can experience impotence, premature ejaculation and so on, thus, men’s reproductive ability can be affected greatly. It is easy for seminal vesiculitis turns into chronic type. This disease commonly occurs with chronic prostatitis and other chronic genital diseases, thus, it is easy to relapse.
Prostatitis, no matter is caused by virus or bacterial infection, can affect spermatogenic ability, especially when there are bacteria in semen, thus, men's reproductive ability can be affected greatly.
Orchitis is complication of epididymitis. When orchitis becomes severe, it will develop into epididymo-orchitis. No matter inflammation is from testicles and other systems, it will hurt testicles. Testicles are factory of sperm, thus, if two testicles are damaged the reproductive ability is damaged.
Epididymitis and chronic prostatitis commonly occurs with chronic prostatitis and seminal vesiculitis. If this disease cannot be cured timely, inflammation can form scars and make it slim and even blocked it. Thus, if the two tubes are blocked, the reproductive ability is damaged.
Genital diseases can be cured by herbal medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This herbal medicine has advantages such as promoting blood circulation, improving Qi, dissipating hard lumps; dissolving stasis and even releasing Pain. This herbal medicine also has advantages such as improving self-healing ability.

What are the treatment options for necrospermia?

Necrospermia is a disease that men has less of mature normal sperms or more of dead sperms. This is one of the common causes of male factor infertility. Many men feel helpless when facing this condition. However, some treatments for necrospermia can be available.

1. Free Radial Scavangers: These are drug to reduce the free damaging oxidative radical in the testis. For your information every minute lot of oxidant radicals are generated inside the testis which damages sperm forming cells. These special antioxidant drugs scavange these damaging oxidative free radicals thus leading to production of normal sperms by the testis. In many study these free radical scavengers have been found to be very-very effective in curing dead sperms.
2. Herbal medicine. Necrospermia can be caused by many factors such as inflammatory diseases. In addition, infection of uro-genital tract may affect sperm production. Repeated bouts of infections are one of the common causes associated with male infertility. In this situation, herbal medicine could be a better treatment treatment for this condition. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill as a typical herbal treatment for necrospermia caused by these factors, it can help men to form normal sperm. What’s more, herbal medicine doesn’t have any side effects.
3. Coenzyme ubique: These drugs improve the nutritional status of the testis. Thus testis as well as sperm forming cells get enough nutrient which helps in fast generation of normal sperms in good number with good motility & fertilizing capacity.
In a word, you should choose right treatment for necrospermia depending on your personal condition. Herbal medicine could be the safest remedy in these treatments.


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